Thursday 23 January 2020

Digital painting

For my first digital painting done with using the reference below. This portrait of
a woman in done in grayscale. This post will explain and show the process of how I digitally painted the piece from start to finish.

First I opened the reference up in Adobe photoshop and created and named the reference on its own layer. I turned down the opacity of this layer so I would be able to do a line art sketch. The line art sketch is done on its own layer. The line art is done to have a general sketch of what you are painting.

Second, I took a a large size brush to paint in the some ground on its own layer. I choose a charcoal brush to achieve this textured effect in lightly laying in some on the darker and lighter areas.

Next, I created a values layer to to paint in all the darker values in the portrait. I had the opacity for the brush down low and would adjust it depending on how dark I wanted a certain area to appear.

Then I created the highlights layer to and painted in the textural details of her sweater, hair, hat, and face. Again I adjusted the the opacity of the brush many times. I had to switch between painting in the darks and lights to achieve the look I wanted. Lastly, I removed some of the line art. Removing the outlines that were showing through it allowed the highlights and shadows to shape her face. An example of this would be her lips.

Wednesday 22 January 2020

Sketches for Illustration Friday

Last weeks word for "Illustration Friday" was family. This online platform allows illustrators to practice their skills and create something based on the word of the week. I decided to create sketches of a potential movie poster. Below are 4 potential thumbnail compositions sketched out.

When sketching these compositions I didn't want to choose a stereotypical approach to the word "family". I decided to choose a darker theme. I intended the sketches to be depicted gory with the use of dripping blood. The four siblings are shown that competing for the throne are shown, but the main female lead is larger. The death of the king can be interpreted through the empty throne or funeral. 

My inspiration for these sketches is a book that I read when I was 14. Unfortunately I cannot remember the proper name to research the book cover. The book was about a maid that is top spy for the queen. She must do what ever it takes to protect the queen at all cost.

Above is my first attempt at sketching digitally with my new Wacom tablet. I choose this design to sketch because I thought that is was the better composition. The girls enlarged head and crown at the top draws in the viewers eye. The dripping blood from the crown moves the viewers eye down through the composition to the bottom of the composition.

Tuesday 7 January 2020